
College & Blah.


Life must be employed in the sector of uncertainty,
because it sure is hell good at pulling the rug out from under our feet just when things get most comfortable.

The more I talk about college with friends, the more real and scary it gets. I'm confident that I'll be able to handle living 5 hours away from home with a stranger, just because I've done it 6,500 miles away from home with 4 strangers who didn't speak English... but it's the pain and anxiety that I worry about. I know I'll get through it, because I have that ability to strap myself in and take any blow the world can throw at me.
But I know I'm not going to /like/ it.
And I know I'm probably going to cry and bawl and whine,
and regret all the idle time I ever spent at home, realizing it's all gone now.
It will never be like it was before.

You tell yourself, "Alright. This is the last day of high school." But your heart still doesn't get it. Your brain knows patterns. It's not going to recognize the change until you show up at your dorm and sleep there for a week, and when, on the weekend, it's just you and that stuffed animal you brought, you realize the relevance of what you said before. Or maybe that's me, and I'm slow. "Endings" don't register until later. My heart and mind are too set in their pattern. And then comes the harsh downfall.

College might be the best time of my life. And I hope to the mystical powers of dark matter and cold fusion that it is, but it will never be the same. Everything I used to know has been obliterated, and its million tiny pieces have been pressed into the glossy sheen of a few old photographs.
Life's never going to be easy again.
You do know that, heart..
don't you..?

I guess what I'm getting at is....

Thanks Mom & Dad
for making my childhood something I /will/ miss,
and for everything you do for me.

And thanks to all my friends.
You guys care -
and that's a big deal to me.

But on a lighter note,
I ate with my friends at Genghis Grill today. I always think it's kind of expensive (around $12 for food and drink)
... but since I get 2 meals out of it (yay leftovers) I let it slide.

My friend also introduced me to Shaiya, an online game by Aeria.
I decided to start with a male Human Fighter. My name's Noctt, by the way.
I plan on also making a male Elf mage, because mages are absolutely by favorite class.

And last but not least -
I found out the name of my college roommate.
From what I know she doesn't have a facebook because I could not find her (but that might be a good thing)
so I e-mailed her instead. Hopefully she replies. And hopefully she's a cool person. Either way, I'm hanging out on the guy's floor when I do get to my dorm.

My mom also picked up my mini toaster oven and mini fridge for me.
They're super small and cute, but at least I own them now.
Some reviews complained about the oven getting super hot and them burning themselves, but it was the best one we could find (it actually has a settable temperature and a pull out tray - others didn't have those things). I'll deal with it. I'm super cautious about hot things anyways. I'll just use an oven mit a lot. I have respect for electrical heat. Much respect.
Just hope it turns out okay.

(Which.. I also don't know how I should approach sharing with my roommate.. I mean... these are my things but I can't exactly say "YOU CAN'T EVER USE THEM." I think it's going to be more of a "As long as I don't need it/not using it, you can use it.)

5 Kanji Corner ------------------------------------------------------

I was lazy today. Tired too.

(((    ))) 
Repetition marker 
(usally the same set of sounds preceding the marker, follow it, or a very slight alteration of sound follows it)
Sometimes: ときどき(時々)
Various: いろいろな(色々な)
Separate, one by one: ここ(個々)
More and more, very much: たた(多々)

(((  )))  
To freeze,cold

(((  ))) 
To receive, accept

(((  ))) 

(((  )))
To gather

A Dose of Boy Love ------------------------------------------------------

The guys from Alley of First Love.
It's sweet,
but I totally spoil the ending kiss for you all~

I adore Mamahara Ellie.
And I love the way she draws outfits.

Error4O4 ------------------------------------------------------

Sorry guys, no gifs today!
I didn't watch anything from Netflix's Instant database.

( ゚▽゚)
- ハムウ

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