
According to Aeris Cloud likes wearing dresses, the Kanji for Woman, and PUNCHING PEOPLE.


It's been a frustrating, yet eventful day.

First off, I felt like an idiot waiting for a video I need to render. It must have been a 2 hour wait,
then I finally said "that's is. This can't be working." and stopped the rendition. As I suspected, the computer had been doing nothing, although it had claimed "rendering video" for 2 hours. So I restarted, put the file together again, and continued. It's been about an hour, and it's still going, but at least this time it's going, for sure. Don't get me wrong, I love my HD camera, but the resolution is a total butt to deal with.
But summer means no rush, right?

SO THEN I PLAYED FF7! (actually, I was playing while my computer was fake-rendering..)
And I got to the famous part where Cloud has to wear a dress.
I'm actually really surprised that SquareEnix did something like this.. but I guess, this was 13 years ago, when game systems juuust started, and only older people played the games.

Basically, there's this guy called Don Corneo, and you need to get in his house because Tifa has been dragged off there. The master of the estate claims to only like women, so, although Aeris would be allowed inside, Cloud wouldn't be.... If I was a man I'd beg to differ though. I mean, heck... is there a person who /doesn't/ think Cloud Strife is attractive? (Yes. I am going to be expressing my severe love of Cloud in this blog... a lot.)
Anyways, this guy Don Corneo is like... how do I put this... a perverted old man? Guess why he forced Tifa into his command. Guess.
Every night he chooses one of three girls to ... spend it with. Aha.. ha.

Aeris is actually the one who suggests Cloud wear a dress. (WHO IS THIS GIRL? First she's like, "hehehe... BE BY BOYFRIEND." and then seconds later.. "OH YOU'D BE CUTE IN A DRESS. -I TOTALLY LIKE GUYS IN DRESSES-" ... NO.) In order to get a guy to make a dress for Cloud she lies and says, "He's always wanted to wear a dress, you know?" I laughed, but cried at the same time.
So Cloud goes along with Aeris into Corneo's mansion and they find Tifa. They decide they'll act as the 3 "girls" who Corneo has to choose between. I seriously thought Corneo would choose Cloud. I would have loved SquareEnix for this. But no - it was Tifa. Instead, Cloud gets with one of Corneo's men, who then takes him to all his friends, and they chase after Cloud like... well, woman-starved zombies? Seriously. They have their arms reaching out and everything.
Entertaining. Entertaining.

It made me sad though today, to realize that I can't re-play FF10 or Kingdom Hearts over the summer... My brother has our PS2 in his apartment.. because for some reason he just reeeally wanted one, when he could have stayed at home - free of charge. I'm going to have to make him buy the slim PS2 soon.

I also decided to try my hand at Eternal Sonata again, today. I've been stuck at the same place for about a year now... (pathetic, I know. Reminds me of the time I was stuck fighting Riku in KH1. ANNOYING.) COUNT WALTZ IS AMAZINGLY CUTE, BUT DEAR GOD -
He has his stupid dragon and then gets 2 turns right after one another.
I use Allegretto, Beat, and Frederick (HEALZ PLZ), but it's not working. I can't use Polka cause she DIIIEEES. But.. maybe if I spend 3 hours leveling, it will help? I just think Waltz is over-powered. He can take a character down in just one turn, then I have to scramble to revive, and heal. I reeeally wish there was an item that revived and healed to max hp.... like Max Revive. Oh Pokemon... hack into Eternal Sonata and bless it.

So other than that....
I have a sweet tooth right now...?

5 Kanji Corner ------------------------------------------------------

(((    ))) 
To say, speech, word
Language: げんご(言語)
Prediction, promise: よげん(予言)
Silence: むごん(無言)

((( 調 )))  
Tune, tone: ちょうし(調子)
Harmony: ちょうわ(調和)
(((  ))) 
Group, sect 
Belonging to no faction: むは(無派)
Gaudy: はで(派手)
Splendid, grand: りっぱ(立派)

(((  ))) 
To reach, arrive, attain
Expert: たつじん(達人)
Friend: ともだち(友達)

(((   )))
Woman, female
Woman: おんなのひと(女の人)
Girl: じょし(女子)
Young lady: おとめ(乙女) (Also the kanji used for "Otome Games," WHICH I LOVE!)

A Dose of Boy Love ------------------------------------------------------

Double Cast, by Mamahara Ellie!
It's a different art style,
but I love the mangaka. <333>

Gif TIEM! ------------------------------------------------------

After I watched People Getting Punched Before they Eat,
I admit -
I was afraid of eating.


(Feel free to save them to your computer :D
No hot-linking please!
It will crash my photobucket account.)
((Yes, I made these myself by recording video and then using an animation program to convert them to gifs.
I do not own the people, characters, or shows. Rights go to SNL and Tracy Morgan))

( ゚▽゚)