
Cloud's Eyes, The Kanji for "Evening" & Jonas lawlz


Hello again, everyone. :]
I've decided I'm going to make this an all-encompassing blog.
So that means it's just going to be about everything - not just TM.
I think it would be cool if I could keep up with this blog in college just so I have a place to put my thoughts. I've had a paper diary for awhile, but it's hard to write in sometimes, because I can think a heck of a lot faster than I can write,
but typing is a little more up to speed.

I downloaded FF7 on my PS3 two days ago. So far it's interesting,
but I feel like I'm going backwards (... maybe because I am).
I've heard so much about FF7 over the years (after all it's been 13...)
and I've seen Advent Children (which is definitely making more sense to me now).
Only now am I piecing it all together.
& I finally found out why Cloud has such spectacular eyes -
I didn't know what that was until now. But I get it.
Although it's kind of bad Cloud was exposed to Mako,
if it makes his eyes pretty, then HECK YEAH.
It actually kind of reminds me of lithium in Dragon Age Origins - on first impression -
Of course, I still don't know much about the story.
I'm only at the part right after Cloud meets Aeris in the church and Reno shows up with the turks (I finally know who the turks are too. I gain a knowledge level for that).
((By the way, everytime I play FF7 on the TV it feels like I'm playing it on my DS instead. The graphics are at a DS level anyways. Actually.. a little below that. Oh dear.))

The default controls really messed me up though. "X" was used to run, and was the "back button" while"O" was the affirmative button, like how "X" is normally.
I was a little irritated at the game for being set up that way, but I figured out how to change the settings today and switched the two buttons back to normal. Or... what I consider to be normal.

Which.. back to Aeris.
She seems like she might be a sort of an okay character, but I still don't like her. Seconds after Cloud introduced himself she was already trying to get a date with him. I don't think she deserves Cloud. Because I'm possessive. After all I do have 5 figurines of him and a wallscroll of his face in my room (they are wonderful things...)... But maybe it's also because I just can't see Cloud belonging to /anyone/.

As for my impressions of the characters...
Barret is really too angry and defensive...
although Square Enix does crack me up with its use of "@!*#$!" whenever Barret is going to drop the f-bomb. I haven't seen that move since comic books.
Tifa is just... no change in how I view her. Still hate her. She's all "OMG CLOUD.. OMG HOW ARE YOU? WHAT'S WRONG?" Seriously, I'm voting that Cloud have zero love interests, because I'm not seeing any good ones.

Now on to other things...
I finally got my AP scores in the mail today.
I managed to get 1 point above what I wanted & needed on both my exams -
A 4 on both AP Japanese and AP Calculus AB!!! (Yes, this deserves 3 exclamations. It's srs bsns.)
I was very pleased, since now I don't have to take math in college,
and I can official start from Intermediate Japanese, instead of Beginner.

I also have to apologize for not having many gifs today...
I was trying to find a file I had downloaded with Noctis and Stella talking - and their voices.
I can find the /video/ everywhere, but I can't find the video where they actually have their Japanese voices. I miss that file so much. I probably deleted it when I was hastily organizing files. Ahhh...


5 Kanji Corner ------------------------------------------------------

(((   ))) 
New: あたらしい(新しい)
Newspaper: しんぶん(新聞)
An old, but unused thing: しんこ(新古)
Reform, remodeling, complete change: いっしん(一新)

(((  )))  
Evening: ばん(晩)
(((  ))) 
Road, way 
Tea Ceremony: さどう(茶道)
Honest, straightforward: じみち(地道)
Reason, truth: どうり(道理)

(((  ))) 
To go
Bank: ぎんこう(銀行)
Fashion, fad: はやり(流行り)
Walk: ほこう(歩行)
Descending: かこう(下行)

(((  )))
(Oh wow, just yesterday Hamhamkun on TM told me this kanji was in his name,
And I happened to pull it from my huge stack! o-o) 
Amoung, between, within, home
Shyness: うちき(内気)
Wife: かない(家内)

A Dose of Boy Love ------------------------------------------------------

Probably my most favorite guys of all time -
Kodaka and Yasaka.
It completey makes sense how they become models.
I mean /look at them/.
It's like a party in my eyes.

Gif TIEM! ------------------------------------------------------

For you.

(Feel free to save them to your computer :D
No hot-linking please!
It will crash my photobucket account.)
((Yes, I made these myself by recording video and then using an animation program to convert them to gifs.
I do not own the people, characters, or shows. Rights go to SNL, Dwayne Johnson, The Jonas Brothers (who are actually surprisingly funny... Check out "Cherub Bootcamp from Night at the Museum 2), & Comedy Central's Adam Ferrara))

Leave a comment on my TM Diary
& I'll coin you.
( ゚▽゚)

How Manly Are You? - [[extra post]]

How manly are you quiz

[X] 1) Your room is a mess, but you know where everything is.
[ ] 2) You have only cry when in pain or at that bit where Bambi's mother dies.
[ ] 3) You are aware of the significance of the number 5318008.
[ ] 4) You can wear pink without feeling stupid.
[ ] 5) You have, for however small a period of time, dreamt of being a fireman.
[X] 6) You have never worn make-up.
[X] 7) Clearasil does not count as make-up.
[] 8) You have spent time drooling over guns.
[ ] 9) Jackie Chan/Bruce Lee/other famous martial artist was once your idol.
[] 10) Crashing cars = fun on a bun.
[ ] 11) You consider slapping to be breaking the rules.

Score so far: 3

[ ] 12) You have a dream car that you will, one day, mortgage your house to own.
[] 13) You only pick flowers with the intention of giving them away.
[ ] 14) You have watched and enjoyed a program on/about monster trucks.
[] 15) You lose your keys. Often.
[] 16) You're the one who always has to deal with any spiders in a room.(mutha fuckers love my room)
[X] 17) You make a point of asking for ketchup at any and all restaurants.
[1/2] 18) The word SEX makes your ears perk right up. (More like, "SEXY MEN")
[X] 19) Socks can be worn for 7 days in a row.
[X] 20) Poetry confuses you.
[ ] 21) Movies can only be good if they have 'Gun', 'Death' or 'Hell' in the title.
[X] 22) Ronald McDonald is a threat to society.

Score so far: 7.5

[ ] 23) The faster and louder a song is, the better.
[X] 24) You have never worn a thong.
[ ] 25) A mankini is not a thong.
[ ] 26) You are always right. The other person is just MORE right.
[ ] 27) There is more than one use for an unused condom.
[ ] 28) Dogs > cats. Unless the cat happens to be a pirate and/or a cowboy.
[ ] 29) You spend great deals of time deciding whether Pirates or Ninjas will rule the world.
[ ] 30) You are secretly afraid of rabbits.
[X] 31) Eating and sleeping are just annoying things that get in the way of whatever you're doing at the time.
[ ] 32) You are either an astoundingly good cook, or everything you make ends up as charcoal.
[ ] 33) 'I can't be bothered' is always a valid excuse.

Score so far: 9.5

Multiply your score by 3, and you have your percentage of manliness. (It is impossible on a scientific basis to score 100%; no one can be 100% man. If you doubt this, ask yourself (or Google) why men have nipples.)

19.5% ?