
New Sites = Yes!


Hello, TinierMe!
I joined just yesterday... so I'm still getting used to the site.

Lately I've just been spamming Doki Doki High School for coins.
The judgment and conversion mini-games are the easiest,
so those are the ones I do. I find all the others to be hard. D:
I'm good with numbers.. but not quick calculations.
I leave mental math to the science academy kids...

I didn't even know there was a summer fishing thing going on.
I'm currently at a puny 27 fish.. but, it's a start.
I don't really want any of the items, buuuut if they're exclusive that's just another reason to get them. (I'm such a collector like that.)

Gacha is also addicting. I think I'm going to spend all my coins on them.
Especially the Arcana Odyssey (I want the The Knight Light Armor so bad...), and School of Magic (Heeellooo, Enchanted Tailcoat~)

I'm thinking about doing specials everyday in this journal that include two of my favorite things...
BL & Japanese!
It might be a fail though.
We'll see how long this lasts.

5 Kanji Corner

So the deal is, I pick 5 kanji at random everyday out of my stack of.. about 400, I think.
I'll put what they look like, their readings, meanings, and some compounds if I know them.
It's really just a review exercise for me.
Although, I will not be writing in romaji. I find it too hard to think of Japanese now with Roman characters. I'll only be writing in hiragana and katakana.
Let's get started!
(Note: ON-readings will be in katakana which KUN-readings will be in hiragana.
For reaons of simplicity, ON-readings are most commonly used in compounds when a kanji is written with another kanji. KUN-readings are most commonly used with stand-alone kanji. As in, the kanji with the meaning for mountain would, in fact, just my itself, be "mountain.")
((Double note: The letters in parenthesis are the letters that would follow in that particular reading)

 リョウ・レイ ・すず(しい)  Cool, as in, the temperature of something
::: そうりょう・爽涼 Cool & Refreshing
 ソウ・シ・おも(う) To think 
::: いし・意思 Intention, purpose
 セン・すじ  Line, track, like a subway
::しせん・死線 On the verge of death
 ショウ・ば(しょ)Place, location
::: ばしょ・場所 Location
::: ちゅうしゃじょう・駐車場 Parking lot
::: みば・見場 Appearance
::: こうば・工場 Factory
::: さかば・酒場 Bar
::: ばあい・場合 Situation
 ケイ・かかり・かか(る)・かか(わる) To connect, duty
::: かかわり・係わり Relation, connection

Disclaimer -->
I'm completely book taught and I'm by no means an expert at this, so if I make a mistake, I apologize.
Like I said before, this is just supposed to be a review for me and by doing this I actually discovered several more useful readings.

Daily Boy Love Moment

I absolutely love BL.
Haters beware.

Today we have Ono & Chikage from Antique Bakery~
Say Hi. :D

Comment on my TM Diary & I'll coin you. B]

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