
How Manly Are You? - [[extra post]]

How manly are you quiz

[X] 1) Your room is a mess, but you know where everything is.
[ ] 2) You have only cry when in pain or at that bit where Bambi's mother dies.
[ ] 3) You are aware of the significance of the number 5318008.
[ ] 4) You can wear pink without feeling stupid.
[ ] 5) You have, for however small a period of time, dreamt of being a fireman.
[X] 6) You have never worn make-up.
[X] 7) Clearasil does not count as make-up.
[] 8) You have spent time drooling over guns.
[ ] 9) Jackie Chan/Bruce Lee/other famous martial artist was once your idol.
[] 10) Crashing cars = fun on a bun.
[ ] 11) You consider slapping to be breaking the rules.

Score so far: 3

[ ] 12) You have a dream car that you will, one day, mortgage your house to own.
[] 13) You only pick flowers with the intention of giving them away.
[ ] 14) You have watched and enjoyed a program on/about monster trucks.
[] 15) You lose your keys. Often.
[] 16) You're the one who always has to deal with any spiders in a room.(mutha fuckers love my room)
[X] 17) You make a point of asking for ketchup at any and all restaurants.
[1/2] 18) The word SEX makes your ears perk right up. (More like, "SEXY MEN")
[X] 19) Socks can be worn for 7 days in a row.
[X] 20) Poetry confuses you.
[ ] 21) Movies can only be good if they have 'Gun', 'Death' or 'Hell' in the title.
[X] 22) Ronald McDonald is a threat to society.

Score so far: 7.5

[ ] 23) The faster and louder a song is, the better.
[X] 24) You have never worn a thong.
[ ] 25) A mankini is not a thong.
[ ] 26) You are always right. The other person is just MORE right.
[ ] 27) There is more than one use for an unused condom.
[ ] 28) Dogs > cats. Unless the cat happens to be a pirate and/or a cowboy.
[ ] 29) You spend great deals of time deciding whether Pirates or Ninjas will rule the world.
[ ] 30) You are secretly afraid of rabbits.
[X] 31) Eating and sleeping are just annoying things that get in the way of whatever you're doing at the time.
[ ] 32) You are either an astoundingly good cook, or everything you make ends up as charcoal.
[ ] 33) 'I can't be bothered' is always a valid excuse.

Score so far: 9.5

Multiply your score by 3, and you have your percentage of manliness. (It is impossible on a scientific basis to score 100%; no one can be 100% man. If you doubt this, ask yourself (or Google) why men have nipples.)

19.5% ?

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