
Make Me a Supermodel, The Kanji for None & my lack of gifs


So, yesterday I was watching Make Me a Super Model so much, that I totally forgot to write an entry. Ohohoho. Which is why I'm writing an entry today but dating it as the 14th.

I'm being sneaky and watching the 2008, First Season on youtube, because it's hard to find it for sale. The only option I've seen it buying the season from digitally amazon for $21. It would have been really nice for there to have been a DVD though.

I think the show is pretty interesting considering they have guys & girls (although, I'd totally got for it if a show just had guys). It's waaaay more entertaining than if it just had all girls. The only unfair part is only one person can win. So it's either a boy or girl, not both. I think they could be a little harsh. The way you compare men and women are completely different.

On to some of the more interesting characters -

I'll just go down the site's list.
Aryn shouldn't have gotten kicked off so early on. I have no idea why Jay was tooling around on the show for so long. America voted wrong on that one, but at least Jay was voted off next episode. I think he was mainly kept on because he was the only black man. But for real, he wasn't that good.
Katy was like the Belle of Twilight. I have absolute hate and disgust. She smoked and then always complained about not being able to work out. WELL DUH. I'm so glad she got kicked off.
Dominic... well, I still don't know if I was propaganda'd or not. I thought he was actually okay, but there was consistent hate towards him from everyone on the show. I thought it was kind of unfair. I think he could have looked good in the later episodes, but, I guess he walk was sort of lacking..? Nice name, btw.
Frankie and Casey..
I had so much trouble keeping them straight. Frankie is too full of himself, and I don't like his long hair, bust Casey I can deal with. He's actually kind of sweet (and goes great with Perry. Oo la la.).
From the moment I found out Ben was a prison guard I loved him.
And then there's my favorite, Ronnie (of course, isn't he everyone's favorite?). I didn't even assume he was gay until he said he has a crush on Ben. And now all I can think is, "YOU GUYS BELONG TOGETHER." Srsly.
And Holly. Her hair was ugly before. Now I give it a thumbs up.

Aaannnd I played some Shiaya. Only level 15 though.
I really wanna get a good mage in there too.

5 Kanji Corner ------------------------------------------------------

(((    ))) 
Front, before, former
AM: ごぜん(午前)

(((  )))  
Major (College): せんこう(専攻)

(((   ))) 
To get on

(((  ))) 
To teach
Church: きょうかい(教会)
Classroom: きょうしつ(教室)

(((  )))
None, nil
Without: なし(無し)
Safety, quietness: ぶじ(無事)
-less: なき(無き)
Impossible: むり(無理)
Nonexistence: むう(無有)
Free of Charge: むりょう(無料)

A Dose of Boy Love ------------------------------------------------------

Bokurani Matsuwaru.
I don't even think I've read this far...
I'm lame.

Error4O4 ------------------------------------------------------

Sorry guys, no gifs today!
I didn't watch anything from Netflix's Instant database.

( ゚▽゚)
- ハムウ
(@11:40AM for 0714.10、 On 0715.10)


College & Blah.


Life must be employed in the sector of uncertainty,
because it sure is hell good at pulling the rug out from under our feet just when things get most comfortable.

The more I talk about college with friends, the more real and scary it gets. I'm confident that I'll be able to handle living 5 hours away from home with a stranger, just because I've done it 6,500 miles away from home with 4 strangers who didn't speak English... but it's the pain and anxiety that I worry about. I know I'll get through it, because I have that ability to strap myself in and take any blow the world can throw at me.
But I know I'm not going to /like/ it.
And I know I'm probably going to cry and bawl and whine,
and regret all the idle time I ever spent at home, realizing it's all gone now.
It will never be like it was before.

You tell yourself, "Alright. This is the last day of high school." But your heart still doesn't get it. Your brain knows patterns. It's not going to recognize the change until you show up at your dorm and sleep there for a week, and when, on the weekend, it's just you and that stuffed animal you brought, you realize the relevance of what you said before. Or maybe that's me, and I'm slow. "Endings" don't register until later. My heart and mind are too set in their pattern. And then comes the harsh downfall.

College might be the best time of my life. And I hope to the mystical powers of dark matter and cold fusion that it is, but it will never be the same. Everything I used to know has been obliterated, and its million tiny pieces have been pressed into the glossy sheen of a few old photographs.
Life's never going to be easy again.
You do know that, heart..
don't you..?

I guess what I'm getting at is....

Thanks Mom & Dad
for making my childhood something I /will/ miss,
and for everything you do for me.

And thanks to all my friends.
You guys care -
and that's a big deal to me.

But on a lighter note,
I ate with my friends at Genghis Grill today. I always think it's kind of expensive (around $12 for food and drink)
... but since I get 2 meals out of it (yay leftovers) I let it slide.

My friend also introduced me to Shaiya, an online game by Aeria.
I decided to start with a male Human Fighter. My name's Noctt, by the way.
I plan on also making a male Elf mage, because mages are absolutely by favorite class.

And last but not least -
I found out the name of my college roommate.
From what I know she doesn't have a facebook because I could not find her (but that might be a good thing)
so I e-mailed her instead. Hopefully she replies. And hopefully she's a cool person. Either way, I'm hanging out on the guy's floor when I do get to my dorm.

My mom also picked up my mini toaster oven and mini fridge for me.
They're super small and cute, but at least I own them now.
Some reviews complained about the oven getting super hot and them burning themselves, but it was the best one we could find (it actually has a settable temperature and a pull out tray - others didn't have those things). I'll deal with it. I'm super cautious about hot things anyways. I'll just use an oven mit a lot. I have respect for electrical heat. Much respect.
Just hope it turns out okay.

(Which.. I also don't know how I should approach sharing with my roommate.. I mean... these are my things but I can't exactly say "YOU CAN'T EVER USE THEM." I think it's going to be more of a "As long as I don't need it/not using it, you can use it.)

5 Kanji Corner ------------------------------------------------------

I was lazy today. Tired too.

(((    ))) 
Repetition marker 
(usally the same set of sounds preceding the marker, follow it, or a very slight alteration of sound follows it)
Sometimes: ときどき(時々)
Various: いろいろな(色々な)
Separate, one by one: ここ(個々)
More and more, very much: たた(多々)

(((  )))  
To freeze,cold

(((  ))) 
To receive, accept

(((  ))) 

(((  )))
To gather

A Dose of Boy Love ------------------------------------------------------

The guys from Alley of First Love.
It's sweet,
but I totally spoil the ending kiss for you all~

I adore Mamahara Ellie.
And I love the way she draws outfits.

Error4O4 ------------------------------------------------------

Sorry guys, no gifs today!
I didn't watch anything from Netflix's Instant database.

( ゚▽゚)
- ハムウ


Tifa Hate, The Kanji for Outside (I just like how it looks pfffht) & The lovely inventor Flint


Baaaah. It's been kind of blah today.
My saddness from last week is probably coming back to haunt me.

I keep telling myself it's summer and I can basically do anything I want... but then I think too far ahead to college, get worried, and petrify myself... It's also really hot, which doesn't help.

I found a handy button in FF7. The "select" button highlights all the "usable" objects in the room, like stairs and visible items. Although it does not show "hidden" items or "puzzles." For instance, when I had to move some trains around, it didn't mark then when I pressed "Select." It was part of passing the area though. If they highlighted everything for you, it'd be too easy, but at least it helps with having to deal with not-so-clear graphics.

I also found out I sort of cheated myself on Cloud's Dress part - there's a lot more things you can go through in order to get Corneo /TO/ pick Cloud for the night. I only got the dress and wig, but there's cologne, make-up, and a tiara you can get. Whoops. Missed that BL opportunity.
Although... Corneo is super ugly and disgusting.

I have to say I also miss when save points would restore your whole party to full health...

So without going through the story, today I had to fight Reno, and Tifa kept dying. I swear, I think having Tifa and Barret in my party just serves to highlight how much better Cloud is than them. Cloud has the most MP and attack power out of both of them right now. Heck, I kind of wish Tifa could stay KO'd and Barret would stay with Marlene (his daughter) and fuss over her.


Oh and Aeris gets stolen.
She's the direct decedent of an ancient. Good for her.

I watched Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs today, which was a movie that had originally come out on my Birthday. Flint (the main character) is very lovable. HE WAS ADORABLE AS A KID. I became very attached to him, and at the end of the movie, my eyes started stinging with tears. I could really relate to Flint, and his situation. His dad too - that really got me.
It was pretty cool to find out that Baby (lawl) Brent was voiced by Andy Samberg and the black cop man was voiced by Mr. T. (And Will Forte had his voice in the movie too! It was like a mini-SNL party) They really did an awesome job. I was surprised at some parts with the stereotypes and when they "pied" Mount Rushmore. But hey, I laughed. America can make fun of itself.


Btw, まさか means "by no means, never." I have wondered this forever.

5 Kanji Corner ------------------------------------------------------

(((    ))) 
Early, quick (but /not/ in the sense of "A car is fast.")
Impatient: きばや(気早)
Early, all in good time: はやばや(早々)

(((  )))  
Weight: おもさ(重)
One layer: ひとえ(一重)
Emphasis: おもみ(重味)
(((  ))) 
To enter 
To be hospitalized: にゅういんする(入院する)
Repairs, maintenance: ていれ(手入れ)
To gaze at: みいる(見入る)

(((  ))) 
Warmth: おんだん(温暖)

(((   )))
Outside, other
Surprising, unexpected: いがい(意外)
Foreign country: がいこく(外国)

A Dose of Boy Love ------------------------------------------------------

Today - Touch Blue!
I actually managed to find this manga at Book Off in Japan. :]
Of course, I had read it online before that, but now I have the original!

Gif TIEM! ------------------------------------------------------

Flint is so amazing.

(Feel free to save them to your computer :D
No hot-linking please!
It will crash my photobucket account.)
((Yes, I made these myself by recording video and then using an animation program to convert them to gifs.
I do not own the people, characters, or shows. Rights go to Sony Pictures and Cloudy w/ a Chance of Meatballs))

( ゚▽゚)


According to Aeris Cloud likes wearing dresses, the Kanji for Woman, and PUNCHING PEOPLE.


It's been a frustrating, yet eventful day.

First off, I felt like an idiot waiting for a video I need to render. It must have been a 2 hour wait,
then I finally said "that's is. This can't be working." and stopped the rendition. As I suspected, the computer had been doing nothing, although it had claimed "rendering video" for 2 hours. So I restarted, put the file together again, and continued. It's been about an hour, and it's still going, but at least this time it's going, for sure. Don't get me wrong, I love my HD camera, but the resolution is a total butt to deal with.
But summer means no rush, right?

SO THEN I PLAYED FF7! (actually, I was playing while my computer was fake-rendering..)
And I got to the famous part where Cloud has to wear a dress.
I'm actually really surprised that SquareEnix did something like this.. but I guess, this was 13 years ago, when game systems juuust started, and only older people played the games.

Basically, there's this guy called Don Corneo, and you need to get in his house because Tifa has been dragged off there. The master of the estate claims to only like women, so, although Aeris would be allowed inside, Cloud wouldn't be.... If I was a man I'd beg to differ though. I mean, heck... is there a person who /doesn't/ think Cloud Strife is attractive? (Yes. I am going to be expressing my severe love of Cloud in this blog... a lot.)
Anyways, this guy Don Corneo is like... how do I put this... a perverted old man? Guess why he forced Tifa into his command. Guess.
Every night he chooses one of three girls to ... spend it with. Aha.. ha.

Aeris is actually the one who suggests Cloud wear a dress. (WHO IS THIS GIRL? First she's like, "hehehe... BE BY BOYFRIEND." and then seconds later.. "OH YOU'D BE CUTE IN A DRESS. -I TOTALLY LIKE GUYS IN DRESSES-" ... NO.) In order to get a guy to make a dress for Cloud she lies and says, "He's always wanted to wear a dress, you know?" I laughed, but cried at the same time.
So Cloud goes along with Aeris into Corneo's mansion and they find Tifa. They decide they'll act as the 3 "girls" who Corneo has to choose between. I seriously thought Corneo would choose Cloud. I would have loved SquareEnix for this. But no - it was Tifa. Instead, Cloud gets with one of Corneo's men, who then takes him to all his friends, and they chase after Cloud like... well, woman-starved zombies? Seriously. They have their arms reaching out and everything.
Entertaining. Entertaining.

It made me sad though today, to realize that I can't re-play FF10 or Kingdom Hearts over the summer... My brother has our PS2 in his apartment.. because for some reason he just reeeally wanted one, when he could have stayed at home - free of charge. I'm going to have to make him buy the slim PS2 soon.

I also decided to try my hand at Eternal Sonata again, today. I've been stuck at the same place for about a year now... (pathetic, I know. Reminds me of the time I was stuck fighting Riku in KH1. ANNOYING.) COUNT WALTZ IS AMAZINGLY CUTE, BUT DEAR GOD -
He has his stupid dragon and then gets 2 turns right after one another.
I use Allegretto, Beat, and Frederick (HEALZ PLZ), but it's not working. I can't use Polka cause she DIIIEEES. But.. maybe if I spend 3 hours leveling, it will help? I just think Waltz is over-powered. He can take a character down in just one turn, then I have to scramble to revive, and heal. I reeeally wish there was an item that revived and healed to max hp.... like Max Revive. Oh Pokemon... hack into Eternal Sonata and bless it.

So other than that....
I have a sweet tooth right now...?

5 Kanji Corner ------------------------------------------------------

(((    ))) 
To say, speech, word
Language: げんご(言語)
Prediction, promise: よげん(予言)
Silence: むごん(無言)

((( 調 )))  
Tune, tone: ちょうし(調子)
Harmony: ちょうわ(調和)
(((  ))) 
Group, sect 
Belonging to no faction: むは(無派)
Gaudy: はで(派手)
Splendid, grand: りっぱ(立派)

(((  ))) 
To reach, arrive, attain
Expert: たつじん(達人)
Friend: ともだち(友達)

(((   )))
Woman, female
Woman: おんなのひと(女の人)
Girl: じょし(女子)
Young lady: おとめ(乙女) (Also the kanji used for "Otome Games," WHICH I LOVE!)

A Dose of Boy Love ------------------------------------------------------

Double Cast, by Mamahara Ellie!
It's a different art style,
but I love the mangaka. <333>

Gif TIEM! ------------------------------------------------------

After I watched People Getting Punched Before they Eat,
I admit -
I was afraid of eating.


(Feel free to save them to your computer :D
No hot-linking please!
It will crash my photobucket account.)
((Yes, I made these myself by recording video and then using an animation program to convert them to gifs.
I do not own the people, characters, or shows. Rights go to SNL and Tracy Morgan))

( ゚▽゚)


Cloud's Eyes, The Kanji for "Evening" & Jonas lawlz


Hello again, everyone. :]
I've decided I'm going to make this an all-encompassing blog.
So that means it's just going to be about everything - not just TM.
I think it would be cool if I could keep up with this blog in college just so I have a place to put my thoughts. I've had a paper diary for awhile, but it's hard to write in sometimes, because I can think a heck of a lot faster than I can write,
but typing is a little more up to speed.

I downloaded FF7 on my PS3 two days ago. So far it's interesting,
but I feel like I'm going backwards (... maybe because I am).
I've heard so much about FF7 over the years (after all it's been 13...)
and I've seen Advent Children (which is definitely making more sense to me now).
Only now am I piecing it all together.
& I finally found out why Cloud has such spectacular eyes -
I didn't know what that was until now. But I get it.
Although it's kind of bad Cloud was exposed to Mako,
if it makes his eyes pretty, then HECK YEAH.
It actually kind of reminds me of lithium in Dragon Age Origins - on first impression -
Of course, I still don't know much about the story.
I'm only at the part right after Cloud meets Aeris in the church and Reno shows up with the turks (I finally know who the turks are too. I gain a knowledge level for that).
((By the way, everytime I play FF7 on the TV it feels like I'm playing it on my DS instead. The graphics are at a DS level anyways. Actually.. a little below that. Oh dear.))

The default controls really messed me up though. "X" was used to run, and was the "back button" while"O" was the affirmative button, like how "X" is normally.
I was a little irritated at the game for being set up that way, but I figured out how to change the settings today and switched the two buttons back to normal. Or... what I consider to be normal.

Which.. back to Aeris.
She seems like she might be a sort of an okay character, but I still don't like her. Seconds after Cloud introduced himself she was already trying to get a date with him. I don't think she deserves Cloud. Because I'm possessive. After all I do have 5 figurines of him and a wallscroll of his face in my room (they are wonderful things...)... But maybe it's also because I just can't see Cloud belonging to /anyone/.

As for my impressions of the characters...
Barret is really too angry and defensive...
although Square Enix does crack me up with its use of "@!*#$!" whenever Barret is going to drop the f-bomb. I haven't seen that move since comic books.
Tifa is just... no change in how I view her. Still hate her. She's all "OMG CLOUD.. OMG HOW ARE YOU? WHAT'S WRONG?" Seriously, I'm voting that Cloud have zero love interests, because I'm not seeing any good ones.

Now on to other things...
I finally got my AP scores in the mail today.
I managed to get 1 point above what I wanted & needed on both my exams -
A 4 on both AP Japanese and AP Calculus AB!!! (Yes, this deserves 3 exclamations. It's srs bsns.)
I was very pleased, since now I don't have to take math in college,
and I can official start from Intermediate Japanese, instead of Beginner.

I also have to apologize for not having many gifs today...
I was trying to find a file I had downloaded with Noctis and Stella talking - and their voices.
I can find the /video/ everywhere, but I can't find the video where they actually have their Japanese voices. I miss that file so much. I probably deleted it when I was hastily organizing files. Ahhh...


5 Kanji Corner ------------------------------------------------------

(((   ))) 
New: あたらしい(新しい)
Newspaper: しんぶん(新聞)
An old, but unused thing: しんこ(新古)
Reform, remodeling, complete change: いっしん(一新)

(((  )))  
Evening: ばん(晩)
(((  ))) 
Road, way 
Tea Ceremony: さどう(茶道)
Honest, straightforward: じみち(地道)
Reason, truth: どうり(道理)

(((  ))) 
To go
Bank: ぎんこう(銀行)
Fashion, fad: はやり(流行り)
Walk: ほこう(歩行)
Descending: かこう(下行)

(((  )))
(Oh wow, just yesterday Hamhamkun on TM told me this kanji was in his name,
And I happened to pull it from my huge stack! o-o) 
Amoung, between, within, home
Shyness: うちき(内気)
Wife: かない(家内)

A Dose of Boy Love ------------------------------------------------------

Probably my most favorite guys of all time -
Kodaka and Yasaka.
It completey makes sense how they become models.
I mean /look at them/.
It's like a party in my eyes.

Gif TIEM! ------------------------------------------------------

For you.

(Feel free to save them to your computer :D
No hot-linking please!
It will crash my photobucket account.)
((Yes, I made these myself by recording video and then using an animation program to convert them to gifs.
I do not own the people, characters, or shows. Rights go to SNL, Dwayne Johnson, The Jonas Brothers (who are actually surprisingly funny... Check out "Cherub Bootcamp from Night at the Museum 2), & Comedy Central's Adam Ferrara))

Leave a comment on my TM Diary
& I'll coin you.
( ゚▽゚)

How Manly Are You? - [[extra post]]

How manly are you quiz

[X] 1) Your room is a mess, but you know where everything is.
[ ] 2) You have only cry when in pain or at that bit where Bambi's mother dies.
[ ] 3) You are aware of the significance of the number 5318008.
[ ] 4) You can wear pink without feeling stupid.
[ ] 5) You have, for however small a period of time, dreamt of being a fireman.
[X] 6) You have never worn make-up.
[X] 7) Clearasil does not count as make-up.
[] 8) You have spent time drooling over guns.
[ ] 9) Jackie Chan/Bruce Lee/other famous martial artist was once your idol.
[] 10) Crashing cars = fun on a bun.
[ ] 11) You consider slapping to be breaking the rules.

Score so far: 3

[ ] 12) You have a dream car that you will, one day, mortgage your house to own.
[] 13) You only pick flowers with the intention of giving them away.
[ ] 14) You have watched and enjoyed a program on/about monster trucks.
[] 15) You lose your keys. Often.
[] 16) You're the one who always has to deal with any spiders in a room.(mutha fuckers love my room)
[X] 17) You make a point of asking for ketchup at any and all restaurants.
[1/2] 18) The word SEX makes your ears perk right up. (More like, "SEXY MEN")
[X] 19) Socks can be worn for 7 days in a row.
[X] 20) Poetry confuses you.
[ ] 21) Movies can only be good if they have 'Gun', 'Death' or 'Hell' in the title.
[X] 22) Ronald McDonald is a threat to society.

Score so far: 7.5

[ ] 23) The faster and louder a song is, the better.
[X] 24) You have never worn a thong.
[ ] 25) A mankini is not a thong.
[ ] 26) You are always right. The other person is just MORE right.
[ ] 27) There is more than one use for an unused condom.
[ ] 28) Dogs > cats. Unless the cat happens to be a pirate and/or a cowboy.
[ ] 29) You spend great deals of time deciding whether Pirates or Ninjas will rule the world.
[ ] 30) You are secretly afraid of rabbits.
[X] 31) Eating and sleeping are just annoying things that get in the way of whatever you're doing at the time.
[ ] 32) You are either an astoundingly good cook, or everything you make ends up as charcoal.
[ ] 33) 'I can't be bothered' is always a valid excuse.

Score so far: 9.5

Multiply your score by 3, and you have your percentage of manliness. (It is impossible on a scientific basis to score 100%; no one can be 100% man. If you doubt this, ask yourself (or Google) why men have nipples.)

19.5% ?


Keyboard Cat Gif, The Kanji for Mountian, and HOLD UP. IMA PLAYIN FF7!


I would just like to announce that,
#1 - Two days ago, I finally got my Drawing 1 class for college.
It might not sound like much,
but it was the one class I needed for everything to go smoothly my Freshman year.
And I got it, because I'm hax,
and stalked the class registration page for a week after my initial orientation.
#2 - I downloaded FF7 from the PS3 store.
The un-sexiness of Cloud's pixels kills my eyes,
BUT - at least I can finally play the game.

5 Kanji Corner -----------------------------------------------


(((  ))) 
Request, trust
Vain hope: そらたのみ(空頼み)
Favor: たのみごと(頼み事)
Reliable, trustworthy: たのもしい(頼もしい)
To ask a favor of,entrust: たのむ(頼む)

(((  )))  
Sandbank, state
Sandbank: す(州)
Out-of-State: しゅうがい(州外)
State Law: しゅうほう(州法)
Honshuu (Largest of the main Japanese islands): ほんしゅう(本州)
Kyuushuu (Most southern of the Japanese islands): きゅうしゅう(九州)

(((  ))) 
Festival Float: だし(山車)
Volcano: かざん(火山)
Hill: こやま(小山)

(((  ))) 
To wait
Meeting place: まちあい(待合)

(((  ))) 
To sleep, to lie down
Bedroom: ねど(寝所)
Napping: ごろねする(

Daily Boy Love Moment ------------------------------------------------------

We've got the boys from Bukiyou na Silent today. Toono & Tamiya!
Give it up for the two awkward lovers. :]

Gif TIEM! ------------------------------------------------------

More Saturday Night Live, Lonely Island,
and the lovey Keyboard Cat, for the lawlz.
(Feel free to save them to your computer :D)
((Yes, I made these myself by recording video and then using an animation program to convert them to gifs.
I do not own the people, characters, or shows. Rights go to SNL, Andy Samberg, Bradley Cooper, Charlie Schmidt & Keyboard Cat

Leave a comment on my TM Diary
& I'll coin you.

( ゚▽゚)